Provide count functions and manual time manipulation.
RC600 Count Controller
The RC600 is a remote control that adds both countdown and count-up timer control features to our NTDS and TCDS clocks. Reference or generate time input from NTP or time code (IRIG & SMPTE). Control a virtually unlimited number of time code clocks and network clocks.
RC1000 Dual-Channel Production Timer
The RC1000 is a dual-channel up/down production timer for count and control applications. Supporting both network and time code, this versatile and functional device is essentially two counters in one. Counts are entered via a numeric keypad and a new count can be started during a current count or after it has stopped. It can be programmed with 20 count presets, or counts can be calculated and entered during production. The six-digit dual displays can show HH:MM:SS or MM:SS:FF. Each channel generates SMPTE/EBU to sync production equipment or to control counts on our TCDS Series digital clocks (or any clock that accepts raw SMPTE/EBU). Each channel can also generate network count packets to control our NTDS Series digital clocks.