Digital and virtual time, date, count, and other information displays.
Digital Clocks
Masterclock’s synchronized digital time clocks are designed to provide accurate time referenced from a master clock, NTP server or time code source. We offer a wide variety of sizes and colors with multiple mounting options and can customize a system to fit your particular needs.
Time Zone Clocks
Masterclock’s new time zone clocks offer flexibility beyond the competition's single enclosure options. This modular clock system offers fast installation using quick-release din rail, the option to add additional time zones, and easy replacement compared to other systems having 10+ zones in one enclosure.
Multi-Color Clock
Masterclock’s new 6-digit multi-color digital clock, the LUX26, includes an array of state-of-the-art features that outperform other digital clocks on the market. The 2.3-in (5.8 cm) kaleidoscopic LEDs can be configured to display an unlimited number of custom colors.